Effective Web Design Principles Every Web Designer Must Know

Online presence is the primary and most important part of any business in today scenario. It becomes tough to grow and reach the targeted audience without a digital presence. However, with the digital technology advancement, many ways are digitalized

Effective Web Design Principles Every Web Designer Must Know

Effective Web Design Principles Every Web Designer Must Know

KW – Magento web designOnline presence is the primary and most important part of any business in today scenario. It becomes tough to grow and reach the targeted audience without a digital presence. However, with the digital technology advancement, many ways are digitalized, but most important is a Website. People do an extreme search for any product or service before purchasing. Website is not just a platform to present the business but the place with high chances to convert a visitor to a customer. To do so, web designers should design a well-structured and effective website. Let’s know effective web design principles that every web designer must know. To get an effective and appealing website, you must take the best Magento web design services

Web Design PrinciplesPurpose of Website –Before start designing, a designer should understand the purpose of the website. The client needs to convey properly that what is the purpose of it and what is the exception. If a website outlook doesn’t match with the purpose, it will not work to engage people. A site should have a clear and easy to understand message for the customer that what are offering them.Best User-Interface –Well, designing a website is a work of creativity and coding knowledge. But when it comes to the best user interface, then considering simplicity is the best way. Simplicity consists of many factors, but three main are –

  • Imagery –

Every visual aspect used in a website to show something or convey any message refers to as Imagery. Overloaded illustrations, pictures, graphics can lead to the high bounce rate. When users experience a bulky website or tough to explore, they most likely bounced from that.

  • Fonts –

There is no doubt that styling the text looks good, but there is also a limit. If a designer wants to use different text fonts or styles, then it should be maximum three. It also behaves like a visual interpretation, and too many styles can irritate the visitors.

  • Color –

Colors have the significant role in a website. A designer should have a great sense to understand the power of colors. Colors study is important for a designer, like complementary colors, work well in website and user behavior.Navigation Strategy –Navigation of the website should be very easy. Visitors should never be confused or disappoint with any navigation; otherwise, this point will lead them to bounce from the website. So, a web designer should keep the navigations too simple and less.Content –A website is incomplete without the content, and in the SEO Language, Content is considered as King. Content should be easy to understand for visitors of all age groups. In addition, the content should be precise and on point.Load Time –After all such activities in a website design, a web designer sometimes forgets the site’s load time. Load time of the site is the time in which a website opens. Usually, it is the human tendency to close or skip the site if it takes more than three minutes. So, a web designer should always pay attention to site load time and reduce it by optimizing the videos and images.Final Words…!!!These are the effective web design principles every web designer must know. If you need an amazing website, consult with the best Magento web design services provider.